5 must-have technologies for beauty centers of excellence

What are the Decomedical “must-have technologies” in a beauty center that aspires to provide top quality service? Here are our suggestions for you.


Decolaser – 808 nm diode laser

With Decolaser, 808 nm diode laser, it is possible to offer a path of progressively definitive elimination of unwanted hair, in an absolutely painless way, obtaining excellent results from the very first sessions. Hair removal carried out with Decolaser is a valid treatment for every skin phototype, guaranteeing maximum safety for the aesthetic operator, and for the health of the skin of those undergoing the treatment, and can also be carried out at any time of the year, ensuring continuity and extraordinary results without any kind of limitations and/or interruptions.


Endoshaper – Endodermic Massage

Endoshaper, a professional endodermic massage equipment, ensures the improvement of lymphatic circulation, tissue toning, attenuation of skin sagging, combating localized adiposity and blemishes, as well as purifying the body of toxins and excess fluids. The beauty operator will be able to replace the manual kneading massage, traditionally performed in the cabin with a duration of about an hour, with the localized endodermic treatment, performed with Endoshaper, in a shorter time (duration of about thirty minutes) and with less expenditure of energy.


Decofrequency UP – Radiofrequency

Decofrequency Ultra Plus is very versatile since it allows to work on both body and face in a non-invasive, painless way, free of side effects, and treatments can be performed at any time of the year, so the equipment ensures continuity of work for operators, and safety for those undergoing treatments.


Presso dren digit – Pressomassage

Pressomassage: an advanced technology to treat cellulite, counteract water retention heaviness in the legs. The action of pressomassage carried out with Presso dren digit, can be considered a real detoxifying and regenerating operation that counteracts fluid accumulation, acting on tone and slimming, while promoting a state of general well-being of the person.


Combymix 4 XP – multifunctional machine for aesthetics

Combymix 4 XP is a multifunctional equipment for facial and body skin care through four selectable treatments: high frequency, to treat and prevent acne, for oily and impure skin, to improve product absorption and increase collagen and elastin production; vacuum, with two working systems: suction/suction and sprayer/nebulization; brush system, or mechanical peeling with brushes; galvanic, a system that allows a dual working mode, namely descaling and micro-ionophoresis.

Combymix 4 XP is an elegant, revolutionary and multifunctional machine, which manages to concentrate in a small footprint, different functions, and numerous easily interchangeable accessories, allowing you to meet even the most demanding aesthetic applications for facial and body care in less time, as well as meet space and functionality needs.


Tell us your feedback: which is your must-have beauty technology or equipment?

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Would you like to know more? Contact us for any information and questions about our technologies for advanced aesthetics.


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