Endoshaper, used for face and décolleté treatments, through the use of vacuum cup applicators of three different sizes ...
Decofrequency UP is a capacitive radiofrequency that delivers two types of electromagnetic wave: bipolar for facial treatments ...
Decotron M3 XP Ultrasound is a professional equipment for aesthetics that allows you to carry out wave treatments ...
It is a face treatment device that uses the combination of two Galvanic currents and low-frequency ultrasound allows for deep ...
Decopeel microdermabrasion is a useful tool in the treatment of various skin imperfections such as: obtaining a smoothing effect ...
Vacuum System is an equipment that performs a dual function, suction and nebulizing for the general cleaning of the skin ...
Galvanic is a professional face system that generates a continuous and regular current for deep skin cleansing: descaling and ...
High Frequency is a device that generates an alternating current of very high frequency and low voltage, suitable for combating ...
Brush System is a device designed for deep cleaning of the epidermis, through mechanical brushing, it is recommended both ...
Fantastica is a latest generation technology with three different functions: soft laser, radiofrequency and endodermal massage ...
It is a process of superficial suction and abrasion of the skin, it stimulates and increases oxygenation of the treated areas ...
The new technology with a dual function: bipolar capacitive radiofrequency with two differently sized heads ...
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